Wednesday 14 November 2012


Hopetown’s first IAYP Week was a huge success. The IAYP participants showcased their skills in Art, Dance, Drama.They created awareness for women rights, Wildlife Conservation, Environment safety measures and a fire drill. 

The IAYP week was one of the most awaited time of the month. The students had put in hours of practice in polishing and refining the activities they were involved in.

The following were the components of the IYAP week: 

FIRE DRILL: Bijita Banik and her team did a splendid job in planning out the Fire Drill and ther various escape routes on the campus in case there was a fire. The students were given instructions regarding the evacuation of whichever building that catches fire at school. Safety measures were discussed in the morning assembly and the drill practice was carried out successfully in the evening.

INTER HOUSE POSTER MAKING COMPETITION: This was another very interesting completion in which the girls were seen battling to make the best ‘ELEPHANT CONSERVATION POSTER’ in order to bag the first position and continue the chase for Cock House Trophy. Ruby House came first .

THEATRE: The Theatrical performance given by the Batch of 2013-Avesta’13 brought tears to the eyes of many. The theme of the play was ‘WOMAN POWER’. The performance depicted the challenges that a women faces at some point or the other in her life. The exemplary performance of the cast received appreciation at their first shot to success. The play was directed by the IAYP In charge Arzoo Ali .

FLASHMOB: The job done by flash mob at school for the ‘GO GREEN’ Cause led by Aseese K. Grewal was commendable.

Bijita Banik, Aseese Grewal and Arzoo Ali were all awarded IAYP T- shirts for their in-creditable perfoemance in their respective fields. 

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