Tuesday 27 November 2012

ASOP Coordinator Handover

It’s been great to see all the positive exchanges occurring in light of the recent handover of the ASOP Coordinator role. I’d like to add some sentiments from the Australian Sports Commission.

Firstly I’d like to personally (and publically) thank Vivek for all his hard work and dedication to the ASOP India program, but, more importantly for the passion and enthusiasm he has brought to the role. Since 2010 Vivek has provided tireless advice and support for all ASOP partners. In talking to our partners on my recent visit to India, I heard first hand some consistent themes with regard to Vivek’s approach and style - dedicated, passionate, robust, strategic, supportive and challenging.

There is no doubt the ASOP program would not have taken the strong shape it has without Vivek’s drive and innovation. His work has contributed to India being a leader and an innovator in the Sport for Development field for which it is now recognised internationally. Most importantly, all ASOP partner organisations are now in a better position to work effectively and sustainably with children and young people using sport as a tool for development.
I understand Vivek will not be far away. I can’t imagine he could be for too long. If he is not reducing his golf handicap he will be supporting the SfD sector in some way in the coming years and we can all look forward to that. He has offered the ASC unconditional support throughout this handover process which reflects ongoing Vivek’s dedication and values. Vivek – we wish you all the best. Thank you for the legacy you have left. This brings me to Rekha Dey..........

It is with great anticipation (and thanks to Magic Bus for giving her up!) the Australian Sports Commission looks forward to working with Rekha in the capacity of ASOP Coordinator and having her as part of our team. Rekha was identified as the standout candidate through the recent interview process held in India in October.  Her considerable experience in the SfD sector in India and as well as her networks, skills and approach will be instrumental in ensuring the successful implementation of the ASOP in India. We believe that Rekha will provide significant support in positioning ASOP partner organisations to make sustainable contributions to the SfD sector. Fortunately for us, Rekha is already known to us and many of you. In addition to her strong skill set, this provides the opportunity for a smooth transition and continuation of Vivek’s great work.

Once again Rekha, on behalf of the Australian Sports Commission - congratulations on securing the ASOP India Coordinator role and we look forward to continuing a constructive and fulfilling working relationship with you over the coming period.

Thanks again to everyone for your kind and supportive exchanges of this transition. Please forward this to relevant staff as required.

David Peedom
Sport for Development Consultant
International Sport for Development
Australian Sports Commission
Tel: + 61 2 6214 3891
Fax: + 61 2 6214 1451
PO BOX 176 Belconnen ACT 2616 Australia

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