Wednesday 15 August 2018

‘Say No to Drugs’

Award participants from Bawa Lalvani Public School, Kapurthala, performed street plays on drug abuse, highlighting the need to vanquish it. Following is a report from Ms Ekta Dhawan, Principal, Bawa Lalvani Public School, Kapurthala.

“What is an addiction, really? It is a sign, a signal, a symptom of distress. It is a language that tells us about a plight that must be understood.” - Alice Miller

The drama has been used as an effective measure to evoke emotions in response to the informational content being delivered. The combination of emotion and information works to promote individuals to become more involved in family and community-based prevention activities. This study demonstrates the efficacy of drama as a mechanism to inform, educate and motivate.

The Bronze Award participants have been engaged in an effective social service programme titled ‘Say No to Drugs’. Through this programme, they have been reaching out to those members of the general public who are victims of drug abuse or have succumbed to use of drugs as addicts. The students performed street plays for audiences at Jallowkhana Railway Station, Bus Stand and Shalimar Bagh, exploring the grave issue of prescription drug and heroin abuse which is deeply affecting the town.

There are countless intense stories about how drugs have ruined families and lives, causing innumerable injuries and even deaths. The plays showed how easily teens can be pressured by their peers and lured into taking drugs. Educators believe that for most students, it is easier to act out the issues than to talk about them with their parents. The plays’ goal, therefore, was to enlighten teens and adults, providing them with tools to protect young people from venturing into the extremely dangerous path of drug abuse.

In the coming months, the Award participants will offer customized performances of the play to different schools and community groups. “If anybody, unfortunately, happens to be in one of these situations, it will help them know what to do,” said the Award participants. 
Watching the plays increased the knowledge base of participants regarding substance abuse as a potential disease. They voiced their opinion that parental involvement in teen life was important. The plays seemingly increased their inclination to participate in substance abuse prevention activities at home and in the community.  Click for more pictures

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