Wednesday 21 November 2018


Kapil Bhalla is the National Director of the Award in India and given below are his thoughts on what it means to be world ready.

How does the Award framework help you to become ‘World Ready’?

The possibility of constantly challenging oneself comes not just in the classroom but when one ventures into the unknown and the undiscovered. Being subject to conditions that bring out the best and the worst in oneself, one should aim to create a world that fosters the best possible utilisation of one’s capabilities; relentlessly pushing one’s limits and setting new targets for oneself with every passing moment.

When we focus solely on reading chapters in the classroom, the idea of dealing with life’s chapters recedes into the background and we start living a refined reality. The Award programme, in that light, is a framework through which one can set forth into the world as an indomitable being, ready to take on the challenges of modern life. Non-formal education, which is the core ideology of the programme, is important in the longer run in a dynamic world for sculpting intrepid individuals.

Be World Ready to stand up after every challenge, without wavering from one’s goal

The Award uses experiential learning to educate & empower young people as they develop virtues along with skills. The hands that hold ropes while climbing are the same hands that extend to offer help to the ‘marginalised’ and ‘at risk’. Its objective is to enable young people to thrive in a multifaceted, uncertain world that has multiple opportunities for those who can take them.

The vision of the Award Programme is to make young people ‘ready for the world’. Its philosophy is to encourage participants to strive to better themselves in all spheres. The activities that the participants undertake are in line with what a competitive world has to offer them, they learn to get up and vanquish what has caused them to trip. Our young individuals become enthusiastic, fearless, confident and rational with a sense of compassion and empathy.

As part of a world that witnesses this metamorphosis, we can make sure that young people realise and utilise their potential; they are ‘World Ready’.

 Learning for life outside the classroom worldready

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