Wednesday 16 April 2014


12th - 13th April 2014 at Father LeBlond School, Siliguri 

Two days Youth Engaging Society (YES) Centre Award Leader Training Workshop was held for nine students from Father LeBlond School, Siliguri and two teachers from Birla Divya Jyoti School, Siliguri. Niranjan P.Datta, Director, Father LeBlond School, Siliguri welcomed National Award Authority (NAA) India Programme Manager Bivujit Mukhoty by talking about the excitement among the school students who are part of The International Award for Young People (IAYP) Programme and also talked about the overall development he has witnessed among the students taking IAYP Programme. 

Award Leader showing her skills.
Rather than calling it a training workshop, Bivujit Mukhoty preferred calling it an experience sharing workshop. Over the span of two days at Father LeBlond School, the participants were given in-depth knowledge regarding the four domains of the programme i.e. Skills, Service, Physical Recreation and Adventurous Journey and also the Residential Project for the Gold Award Programme. Other than that the participants were also introduced to the technical aspect of the programme, which included Risk Management and Branding. Before meeting the teachers, NAA Programme Manager also held an orientation workshop for fifty students from Father LeBlond School to introduce them to the IAYP Programme. The workshop was delivered by Bivujit Mukhoty & Ranjana Rai (Member, National Training Panel & YES Centre Manager, The Assam Valley School, Balipara). The programme concluded with the presentation of participation certificates and badges to the participants by Mr. Datta. Click for pictures

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